It has taken me almost a week to post about my conference experience because I am still recuperating. I had about five hours total sleep the entire weekend, and I actually received requests for my work! I have been working feverishly the last few days on going back over my WIPs with post- conference eyes. They have now been submitted into webspace with a hope and a prayer that they are accepted.
So, did I meet any of my goals?
You will never meet a more supportive group of people anywhere. I threw myself into volunteering and everyone worked so hard to make me feel welcome. There were so many surprising and memorable moments. Including receiving my boa for reaching PRO status, and running into an old friend from high school I haven’t seen in x-amount of years. Kirin, that reminds me, I have a tax question for you. The stack of autograph books I collected is fantastic. My first taste of Johnny Walker Blue ;). Goodie bags. Need I say more? There was so much learning that I am still processing it all.
I am considered an embryo in the writing world. When I look back at my writing over the last eight months, there is a world of difference, and that is all because of the great women (and the Bobs) with the GSRWA. There are too many days until next year. I can’t wait. So look for me then, but without the purple boa. Feathers stuck in your lipgloss is not very comfortable.